Join us this Saturday 15 February, 2-4pm for the opening of 'The Fuddling Gossips' by Carla Wright. Free, all welcome.
Join us this Saturday 15 February, 2-4pm for the opening of 'The Fuddling Gossips' by Carla Wright. Free, all welcome.
Join us this Saturday 15 February, 2-4pm for the opening of 'The Fuddling Gossips' by Carla Wright. Free, all welcome.
Artist multiples
Simon Moretti
270 mm x 210 mm
(postage and packing charged separately)
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Simon Moretti is known for his enigmatic exhibition works, presenting displays that engage with questions of agency, temporality, automatism, desire and masculinity. Incorporating appropriated images and archives as well as curatorial and publishing projects, often made in collaboration with other artists, his work addresses the role of ‘curating as practice’. Presented as a non-chronological visual essay, this publication surveys 10 years of collage works by Moretti. It includes text contributions from writer Craig Burnett, curator and art historian Yuval Etgar, novelists Deborah Levy and Chloe Aridjis, and a conversation with Andrew Durbin, editor-in-chief of frieze magazine.

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