We are open today. Visit us 11am-5pm for 'The Fuddling Gossips' by Carla Wright. Free, all welcome.
We are open today. Visit us 11am-5pm for 'The Fuddling Gossips' by Carla Wright. Free, all welcome.
We are closed today. Visit us Thursday-Sunday 11am-5pm for 'The Fuddling Gossips' by Carla Wright. Free, all welcome.
Support us

We are a cultural and community organisation working to support emerging and underrepresented artists and to widen access for our local communities in Eastbourne.  

We are an Arts Council England National Portfolio Organisation. The generous patronage of individuals, sponsorship and funding from charitable trusts and foundations helps us to fundraise 65% of our core income each year.

There are many ways you can support what we do: buying a limited-edition artwork, making a one-off donation, or becoming a Supporter.

Every donation, large or small, helps us to thrive. Thank you to all our funders and supporters.

To discuss making a larger donation to Devonshire Collective, please write to Edward Ball, Director, Devonshire Collective at edward@devonshirecollective.co.uk

Your generous donations enable us to support artists and create opportunities for community engagement.